Tuesday, December 5, 2006


10 New Year's Resolution Suggestions
For Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and George Soros

By Alex S. Gabor

Bill Gates is still the richest man in the world according to Forbes. Warren Buffet comes in a tight second. Both men have a combined net worth estimated at around $100 billion and with Buffet announcing that he will donate 85% of his stock holdings to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it will remain the worlds’ largest foundation in terms of assets for a long time to come. It will have financial resources greater than half of all the sovereign nations in the world.

George Soros, on the other hand is a Hungarian philosopher, philanthropist, and financier, who ranks as the 70th richest man in the world and has contributed more toward political causes in his career that Gates and Buffet combined.

In one year alone Soros donated $26 million to defeat George Bush in the 2004 elections, and over the course of the past two decades helped bring about the fall of communism in over ten different countries. He has done more for the cause of open democracy in his lifetime than Bush has during six years as President of the United States.

While Bill Gates is more widely known as a founder and Chief Software Architect of Microsoft, and Warren Buffet is known as the “Oracle of Omaha”, the long time leader of Berkshire Hathaway, and one of the most savvy investors in the world, George Soros is best known as the “man who broke the Bank of England” when he and his Quantum Fund made a billion dollars in one week shorting the British Pound in the early 1990’s.

The combined talents of these three men, if brought into a collaborative environment could change the course of human destiny for the better should they elect to accept the following new years resolutions for 2007 as their own personal mission’s impossible. This article, or the visions of its’ author, will not however self destruct any time soon.

New Years Resolution One: Resolved, that the three men named in this article, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and George Soros, meet in a convenient location in January of 2007 for the purpose of forming a new collaborative adventure designed to change the course of history for mankind.

Some suggestions for the newly formed organization could be the Free New World Organization, the Organization for Open Organizations, or the New World Peace Organization, whereas the goals of the organization would include world peace, better management of global resources, better humanitarian advances designed to leapfrog advances in the sciences and technology, and better world mental and physical global health.

New Years Resolution Two: Resolved, that the three men herein, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and George Soros, each recruit three other people from the ranks of the richest people in the world to join the Board of Advisors of the new Organization, making the entire Board of Advisors become composed of twelve of the richest people in the world.

Some suggestions for potential recruits include Carlos Slim Helu, Latin America’s richest man, Ingvar Kamprad, founder of Swedish furniture giant IKEA, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud, the nephew of the King of Saudi Arabia, Li Ka-shing, Asia’s richest and most influential real estate investor, Lakshmi Mittal, the Indian steel magnate, Bernard Arnault, the French Pope of Fashion, David Thompson, son of Canada’s richest man, Kenneth Thompson, whose Tradeweb subsidiary of Thompson Corporation, handles over $50 trillion in bond trades a year, Roman Abramovich, a Russian college dropout who made billions from Russia’s privatization of the oil and mining sectors, and Oprah Winfrey, Queen of American Media and perhaps the only black female billionaire in the world.

New Years Resolution Three: Resolved, that the new organization using the existing wealth created by the founders and board of advisors, consolidate all their various foundations, assets and income streams under one roof to become the worlds most powerful organization, dwarfing and becoming superior to any other well meaning organization the world has ever seen, including the governments of the G8.

By combining their resources in this way, the new organization and its board of advisors would control in excess of a trillion dollars in assets, giving each individual advisor control, rather than ownership, of an average $83 billion each, far greater than any individual by themselves.

Depending upon the make up of the board, this number would vary, but the general positive synergistic qualities of such an organization far outweigh the complexities of bringing it about.

New Years Resolution Four: Resolved, that the new organization to be composed of twelve of the richest people in the world then take Microsoft, Citibank, Berkshire Hathaway, and their other publicly traded holdings private through leveraged buyouts, saving them billions in legal fees, filing fees, and other costs associated with being public corporations.

Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway with combined cash on hand in excess of $100 billion could deposit all their money into Citibank, giving Citigroup close to half a trillion dollars in liquid cash, legal lending capacity to lend out more than $6 trillion new dollars, and by becoming a privately held corporation under the auspices of the new organization could then launch a global zero interest mortgage program in conjunction with the next resolution.

Such a lending behemoth could then smash every non correspondent competitor in the mortgage industry and make housing more affordable for every American. Watch out Countrywide and Washington Mutual.

To conclude the leveraged buyouts, the group of twelve would have to harness all their political and economic power to make it legally possible for Citibank to syndicate the loans necessary to make it all happen.

Power which they may not have individually, but as a synergistic economic force, could easily persuade any government, including the United States, to permit them to conduct their affairs in the best interests of the future of humanity.

New Years Resolution Five: Resolved, that the new organization set up a hedge fund which takes advantage of the growing depression in the real estate markets of the United States, Europe, Canada and Britain.

By shorting certain over-valued stocks such as Google, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Countrywide, Washington Mutual, various publicly traded home builders, mortgage related real estate investment trusts, and other housing industry stocks, the hedge fund could and would make billions more in profits which could then be plowed back into zero interest mortgages.

These are loans which would still generate cash flow, but because of the tax exempt nature of the new organization, non interest bearing principal payments coming back to it would not be taxable, and would provide a way for the economies of the four nations experiencing a depression in the real estate markets a softer landing in the long run. It would save the world from global financial collapse.

As part of their political clout, this organization could set up a separate lobbying group to show the benefits of changing the tax laws to repeal the mortgage interest deductions on personal tax returns and replace them with a tax credit for rapid accelerated repayment of debt. This would stimulate the real economy and begin to undo the negative effects of gradual inflation which has caused ever increasing prices over the past 100 years.

New Years Resolution Six: Resolved, that the new organization would then take Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac private in a leveraged buyout, thus ensuring that the five trillion dollars worth of mortgage backed securities sold to foreign investors do not become worthless in the process and prevents China and the rest of Asia from falling into a global depression along with Europe, Britain, Canada and the United States.

China currently has over $1 trillion in cash reserves denominated in dollars and so far this year, because the dollar has continued to fall against the Euro, Yen and other major currencies, China has lost $100 billion in the purchasing power of the dollar.

New Years Resolution Seven: Resolved, that Bill Gates remain the Chairman of the new organization and that all other Foundations which are headed or founded by the other members of the group of twelve consolidate their expenses and operations under this new roof, permitting the new organization to give away at least $100 billion a year in charitable contributions to meet the goals of the organization as stated in the first resolution.

New Years Resolution Eight: Resolved, that the heirs of the group of twelve who make up the Board of Advisors, become and remain, through their nominees or appointed representatives, the managing Board of Directors and Advisors of the new organization.

In this way, control of the wealth will stay within the families and provide succession planning and training to accomplish the long range goals of the organization.

New Years Resolution Nine: Resolved, that the newly formed organization do everything in its’ power to expand the humanities at a faster rate than the growth of scientific and technological discoveries, that it provide at least $10 billion a year to create better global mental and physical health programs, that it disinvest from any corporation or group that invests in or supports, directly or indirectly, any business or enterprise, including government’s, related to war, terrorism, nuclear weaponry, biochemical weapons, or other means which can be used to destroy, contaminate or impact human life on earth, and to support and take any and all legal actions necessary to constructively dismantle the global military industrial financial media complex for the greater good of all mankind.

New Years Resolution Ten: Resolved, that the three men named in this article, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and George Soros, after the newly formed organization is put in place, thereafter immediately hire the author of these resolutions to further implement them.

Have a Happy New Year and may Global Peace be upon the world sooner than later.

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